DALLAS – October is Fentanyl Awareness Month and stats show deaths due to poisoning from the dangerous drug has skyrocketed among young people.
Some 70,000 people nationwide die of fentanyl poisoning every year.
A new documentary being shown in Dallas is shedding light on the problem, with some North Texans sharing their personal stories of loss.
It’s a widespread problem being highlighted in a new documentary called “Fentanyl Unlimited.”
“My biggest takeaway is most people who take fentanyl don’t know they’re taking it,” said the movie’s director Charlie Minn.
Minn interviewed dozens of people over a six-month period, from law enforcement agents, to medical experts, to addicts and families and friends who lost loved ones.
“The screening has to be shown here in Texas because 1 out of 4 Texans has had an opioid overdose or know someone who has. That’s alarming,” said Minn.